DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA; TRAFFIC. STOP AND GO SIGNS - 1913 - Harris & Ewing,, photographer, from the LOC on Flickr
Whenever the "which superpower would you choose?" question comes up, I pick time travel. I often wish I could visit places as they were in the past - e.g. my own street, the town where I live, the places where my family members grew up, and sites where I'm traveling as a tourist. It would be so amazing to flip through different time periods for a single site - like Rod Taylor when he's sitting in his time machine.
Today I learned that there is a team at Google working on this concept, with the goal of delivering a day-in-the-life time-travel experience through AR.
They've just released phase one, a browser-based toolset called rǝ (pronounced as re”turn"), an open source, scalable system running on Google Cloud and Kubernetes that can reconstruct cities from historical maps and photos.
The great news is that the system is open to all. Got maps or old photos and need a COVID project? Here are some things we all can do to contribute to this effort:
- upload historical maps
- georectify/warp maps that are already in the system
- trace georectified maps (e.g. drawing a building footprint, entering/correcting textual information such as its address, number of floors and so on) – or do this without having an underlying map
- upload and annotate images with buildings in them
- spread the word about the project
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